People do not buy goods or services, they buy relations, stories and magic

Seth Godin

Consumer & market

Learn about where you want to go

Europe is a big continent, with many opportunities for growth for your brand. However, in most cases, copying your previous activities in another geography will not be the winning recipe.

It is important to learn who your competitors are, how do they play, who your potential target audience is, and what are their needs and problems?

Brand Purpose

Why do you do what you do?

As Simon Sinek puts it, the question "why" is how you inspire action in people. If they believe in what you believe, you are no longer selling but sharing.

Your brand purpose is an important piece of your positioning that you need to be crystal clear on, including your motivations, values, and goals.

We work with you to define your purpose and vision which are what drives your brand, your team, and your business.

Brand Positioning

Where do you fit in the marketplace?

It’s a crowded marketplace, but brands who know and can communicate their uniqueness are the ones that win in the minds and hearts of consumers.

We help you craft, and communicate what makes you different from others so your brand can speak for itself!

Your brand positioning also includes defining your target audience. Brands that know their target audience, and not try to be everything to everyone, have the freedom and ease to be authentic, credible, and interesting!

Visual Identity

How do people recognize you?

Beauty, consistency, identity...Here are 3 words that summarize it.

Visual identity is one of the essential parts of who your brand is. Brand identity, brand book, brand style guide, whatever you would like to call it, consists of your logo variations, typography, color palette, special graphic treatments, patterns, icons or symbols, and guidelines for using it all in order to maintain a consistent visual identity.

How do we help you? First, we sit down to bring together all of the above, add your insights into who you think your brand is to form the creative brief. Next, through our network of creative agency and freelancers, we help you get your visual identity get crafted.


How do people hear about you?

What message will you give when and to whom with what frequency so that you can move them down the AIDA? (Awareness -> Interest -> Decision -> Action)

How do you engage your consumers, and how do you keep them engaged? How do you grow your audience?

We help you craft a communication strategy that includes objectives, chosen channels, message hierarchy and a timeline.

Flexible and fast

Depending on your company, and your priorities, we customize our services. Reach out to learn when you can start selling in Europe.